Tuesday, June 21, 2011


If you so choose, the principles and teachings will also lead you to greatly expand your influence regardless of your position inspiring others you care about, your team and your organization to find their voices and increase many fold their effectiveness, growth and impact! You will discover that such influence and leadership comes by choice, not from position or rank.The best and often only way to break through pain to a lasting solution is to first understand the fundamental problem causing the pain. In this case, much of the problem lies in the behavior that flows out of incomplete or deeply flawed paradigm or view of human nature one that undermines people's sense of worth and straitjackets their talents and potential. The solution to the problem is like most significant breakthroughs in human history it comes from a fundamental break with old ways of thinking. The promise that if you will be patient and pay the price of understanding the root problem and then set a course of living the timeless, universal principles embodied in the solution your influence will steadily grow from the inside-out!

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