Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Leave for carrying; ibat videre feras: . . . went for the sight of beasts, but instead governing accusatives like other moods. = the first declension I'm widespread among the tenses I am the future infinitive. To be used wherever a dative of purpose may be used! Sometimes after verbs  denoting send, appoint, select, give, take, bring, and the like; but not usually in prose after verbs of motion. I am a natural growth! And a handmaid brought water in a ewer and poured- for the washing. They provided P. cavalry to join in the expedition. Is anyone running to fetch the undertaker? After verbs of wishing, beginning, verbs denoting ability, duty, purpose, custom, etc., = I have power for a seeing! The Dative is that of Purpose! So too with verbs of preventing! After Nouns and Adjectives, denoting, e.g., fitness, ability, readiness, sufficiency, and those bearing such meanings as those verbs above mentioned. I am a rare variant on the gerund! Weak in endurance. I fear we may reach the necessity of doing! It is time to honour the god's couch.This house is very good, to look at I limit my approval! = disgraceful-for the eyes to see! Shameful is this even for them that shall be hereafter. This ground is holy at a guess. It is almost like abuse for, i.e., at, a small deficit. Loricam donat habere viro. He gives the breastplate to the man to keep! To be you for a rushing out, or rather an unresolved form! que faire? The effect is one of vagueness: the object of the speaker's wish is stated in an undetermined way with explicit relation to a person who is to carry it out. Approach them not. Keep away is the word. And you, when we call, come quickly. But if M. slays A;, let the Trojans give back Helen and all her possessions. Father Zeus, let the lot fall on Aias or on the son of Tydeus. Ah! unhappy me! that a good man should say such things! Mene incepto desistere victam! Me! leave my enterprise, thwarted! Moi, quitter . . .! V.-D. threats-loud shouts-brinks of tears to give the appropriate staccato effect a sting of historic infinitives is used. Discretion is a virtue. Philosophizing is a bore. He was trying to persuade him to go. He persuaded him, he persuaded a going, he persuaded him for a going. Instead of being a city it became a fort. . . between giving and receiving.

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