Tuesday, March 1, 2011


There's still some uproar over information farms with Google recently announcing its new array of algorithms to better deal with the issue. For those of you still wondering why Google hasn't taken a stronger stance let me explain. 

Google essentially built it's multi-billion dollar empire on this very concept so for them to turn around and say others can't attempt to follow in their footsteps is a bit hypocritical if not illegal. 

The second being, it pays Google to some extent to keep these types of sites around. Many of these so called information farms implement heavy Google add campaigns and if successful quiet literally pays Google to solidify their presence. It's finding that perfect balance between the two, making it just difficult enough for users to find what they need without opting out to use other alternatives like Bing. Ultimately forcing users to view more adds and increase the number of potential hits. 

Though we might not agree or like the truth those are the facts of life boys and girls. Instead of complaining and whining endlessly about it find the potential good that these sites afford for adapt and exploit. I just don't want to hear about it anymore when searching for tech news. 

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the major problems with add money modeling, but unless you own a magical solution I agree it isn't going to go away or change anytime soon.



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