Sunday, May 22, 2011


Math and science say in order to prove that something is real we have to be able to measure it, for instance humans can be measured and assigned a number, but because there are many independent pieces that work or come together to create a greater whole we say that it's more of an equation. Now in order to prove that an equation isn't just a fluke or an anomaly it has to be repeated successfully in order to be tested and considered a formula. The unmeasurable  portion or soul, (your free will) if you will is a very small percentage so as unique as we think we are we are very much the same (slaves to our history)... track your formula through the past and you start to discover your thread or string, and no we are not all created equal, but we are all destined to play our parts whether its minor or major and in this respect I consider myself very lucky almost blessed lol. I'm sorry you have to forgive me I don't put a whole lot of stock in the mysticism though its very beautiful, but the roles and scenes I do take very seriously and my only goal is to show just how special every single one of us is capable of being... I'm just reading the writing on the wall if you know what I mean?

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