Monday, January 10, 2011


There's been a lot of uproar over the Jared Loughner shooting (rightfully so) but lets make the distinction between speculation and fact. Many times a story has a way of mutating once the media gets it hands on it. The facts, once parodied from one station to another, and then another, and so on, regrettably become less interesting. So, we include our opinions in an attempt to offer up some new perspective that has yet to be realized or discovered. This is all well and good if we abstain from petty fear mongering, or take things out of context for our own self interest in the process.

One thing I want to make clear is that Mr. Loughner isn't referring to some delusional or fictitious phenomena when he speaks about manipulation through grammar and currency for these are very real forces at work. It was the reaction to that knowledge that was an unfortunate mistake (in my opinion). I also find it interesting and some what troubling when so called psychologists try to make a diagnoses without any real knowledge about Mr. Loughner. I tend to believe it's well intentioned, and that the thought of someone being sane and committing such a thing is far too jarring of an idea; but, the fact remains there is no medical proof that Mr. Loughner was mentally ill.

I believe the Loughner case will prove to be a window into a broader discussion of whether or not man is inherently good or evil and capable of excepting the truth about the social structures in which we live in.

With the current state of the economy and the approval ratings of the government at an all time low I believe the Loughner story has broader implications, and could be viewed as a test of our current system, and quite possibly not the last. I think it would be wise for government officials among others to reevaluate their current strategies, possibly including a more compassionate approach to satisfy peoples' needs.

In closing: Be weary of the misguided vultures who see fit to use this unfortunate event as a backdoor opportunity to push their political agendas and censor people' s right to free speech.There will always be extremists, but we shouldn't hinder the reactions towards politics and social issues for they are worthy of our passion.


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