Saturday, January 1, 2011


With Facebooks shift from a C2C to a B2C platform researchers and analysts are scrambling to anticipate the next changes in an attempt to capitalize on the system. It raises some questions as to whether Facebook will see continued growth, and the resulting changes in usage and the way people are connecting. This should be a concern for not only Facebook, but Twitter, and LinkedIn as the lines between the platforms seem to be getting blurred. Some current trends have shown some polarization. At one end there are people building huge networks. At the other shrinking their networks back to only close friends and family. As social media lacks a compelling buy in factor for regular users I think it would be a mistake for Facebook to continue down its current path as it under minds it's base by "selling out" in a sense, cheapening the experience. In any case it will be interesting to see how each platform separates itself from the competition. 

One things for certain social media is here to stay and will for ever be evolving. 

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