Friday, April 1, 2011


After being berated today by a bunch of Christian extremists for my beliefs on a few sensitive subjects I'm left with a sinking feeling in my stomach. Now I don't blame them for their narrow prejudices and ignorant outlooks, but I do the church and organized religion. I mean these poor individuals couldn't even understand that I was on their side and it was their lack of understanding of their own faith that caused such a large error in judgement.

How these ministers stand before their so called "flock of sheep" (what an ironic term by the way) and preach this watered down children's book and believe what their doing is some how good is amazing. If you feel the need to build these ever growing religion complexes filled with plasma TVs and coffee shops at least teach the people that rely on you every Sunday some valuable information. Go into the theology, philosophy, and thinking behind the message and not just the convenient fluff. 

It's funny that you believe your doing anything other than setting them up for failure, and if you really cared you would be arming them with the truth. Unfortunately I don't think there's any room at this point for religion to grow beyond the superficial because of your entrenched positions and that to me is a great shame.

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