Friday, January 7, 2011


Formally homeless "golden voice" Ted Williams has been receiving a lot of attention lately. With plenty of media coverage and some big name job offers Ted Williams has gone from homeless, ex-addicted bum living on the streets of Columbus Ohio, to an overnight sensation. Ted recently made an appearance on the Today show and has reportedly made a deal with Kraft to do a commercial said to air Sunday.

It seems that a recession weary nation is more than happy to support and elevate this Cinderella story of rags to riches, but is it a good thing?

With a society that has seen fit to reward many individuals for little to no reason with the "famous for be famous" syndrome I think it's important we're weary of who's receiving our attention and praises.

I'm all for a comeback, there's something inherently American about it, and out of many of the talentless people who have received fame and startum Ted Williams is easily the most deserving. Mr. Williams has served in the armed forces and at one time was a successful radio host. I'm just having a hard time excepting that a flamboyant voice is really this valuable.

I think we're on a slippery slope; are we honoring a great story or actual talent and skill? I'd like to see great ideas and insights make it to the forefront of our minds and attention. The hard working middle class and professionals ensuring the continued success of this great country.

Oddity in all of its shapes and forms has apparently become the newest and hottest commodity pathetic or not.


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