Friday, December 24, 2010


2.Be yourself
3.Be truthful
4.Express yourself

Sounds great huh, and you might be right if they weren't the exact things holding you back. While your busy being an honest and sincere person, people in power are doing anything but. If they're putting a lot of time and energy into "breaking the rules" why aren't you? What if instead we sought to change them. By setting the rules to win how could we ever loose?

If we look at many of the highly successful people in the world whether they're actors, musicians, techies, politicians, models, etc. their rewarded for their ability to lie and play a part (blend in). It reminds me of a book I read about the Art of Deception, which states that only by taking this counter cultural approach are you truly able to ride yourself of influence and thus control. Some go as far as to incorporate it into their dress, like Mr. Steve Jobs over here. 

Now,  I understand this might be unsettling to some, but the fact remains; by rejecting the influences of society you're then capable of freethought. If you ever aspire to be successful and truly free I advice you to take a further look into the subject so that you might protect yourself with these revolutionary tactics.

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