Sunday, December 26, 2010


By making the topic of our focus about others it allows for a few interesting things to occur. We're able to separate ourselves from the rest of society, and thus "the game of life." If we're merely analyzing the activities and actions of others we're able to take the risk out of playing. We neither create, succeed, or fail, we simply understand the all important question of "why." This has become possible more so than ever before with the digital era that we live in. Now, every site you visit requires you to make a profile and disclose more and more information about yourself. Social media allows you to express every little thought and emotion you might feel; all of which is taken and used against you; either by reaping the benefits of that great idea you had, or leveraging some incriminating thing you might have said or done. Either way put your poker faces on and distrust what you cannot see or verify for yourself. Start paying for things with cash, and discuss business face to face. Write that great idea down the old fashion way (paper and pencil) and stop giving away what makes you valuable and rare. So you might create life rather than serve it.

There's a great quote I'm going to butcher that states "I do not want to be apart of any group that would have me as a member." So be weary of free memberships and logins; who's to say their motivations are well intentioned; personally I'd rather be safe than sorry, but thats just me.


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