Friday, June 24, 2011


It's easy to be bad . . . a practice reserved for the weak and ignorant. How much greater the sin given for knowledge of the principles! One of the best, and hardest truths of stepping into the light. As good, as brilliant, and beautiful as it is you can't help feeling as if you're burning up, literally BURNING ALIVE, it's disturbing, the RUSH of emotions, INTENSITY of FEELING, the SERGE of ENERGY, the IMMENSITY of POWER its PURE MIGHT! To shed and FACE everything but the realest and most natural parts of the human soul. It's all one can do not to dissolve completely into it, but then I think it's very natural to want to, to want to dissolve into everything and lose touch with reality, but I also believe it's a mistake in order to contribute and fulfill one's duties to the highest standards required of them, something I'm working hard to come to terms with.

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