Sunday, May 29, 2011


My problem with the state of judging: 

As is often the case, when we pass our judgment of peers or those we seek to educate we pay them a terrible disservice by merely passing or failing them rather than seeing the job through by explaining why it didn't measure up; working to empower those individuals after the fact on a personal level, in plain language, instead of hiding the message like cowards. (Arming Soldiers)

Now some may say you can't save everyone, but isn't that just an excuse to leave ourselves off the hook, welcoming mediocre performance. Still others will say its not fiscally feasible (its unaffordable) but as I see it we can't afford not to.

And in the case of the legal system well we've turned that into a sleazy business haven't we ruining a position in my opinion that should be the highest aspiration for every single one of us.

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