Friday, April 15, 2011


I'm so sick of the political posturing and finger wagging from Washington. If I see one more cheerleader dance around the issues I think I'm going to vomit. Can't we just admit that republicans typically tend to be Saturnus oriented choosing to look out for and protect the elderly/capitalism in the country whereas democrats and Obama clearly seems to be more Jupiter centered focusing on the poor, the youth, and the future? Both schools of thought are honorable and very necessary, but it's time to put the egos aside and get things done already.

Here is a perfect opportunity to educate an entire country on win/win instead of a shallow victory one way or the other. Be the models you’re supposed to be and do the right thing publicly. I don't think there is a person out there who says in order for our parents and grandparents to win it should mean that children, the poor, and the future should lose. The goal should be a solution that amicably satisfies everyone equally.

Lets look at it from another stand point each day you spend kicking back your telling the American public at large we don't have to do our jobs and the rules don't matter (which they don't) and if your still playing by them regretfully your losing or being taken advantage of in one way or another in my humble opinion.

We've already said that big business isn't accountable for their actions or held to the same rules as the rest of society more so than previously, but contrary to some who view "too big to fail" as a bad thing I see it as a step forward and ultimately marks the beginning of the end for the financial sector as we know it. If for no other reason than the increased numbers of industries and agencies "people" in the know who aren't playing by the rules eventually (or hopefully) it devalues the whole system to the point where we can finally get rid of, or abandon a historically corrupt sector on its way out anyway.

Now I know Washington is probably just feeling slighted with all the revolutionary and historical events going on in the Middle East using this shutdown as a childish ego boost, dusting up media attention to solidify their importance. Which is all well and good if it didn’t mean at the expense of the rest of society. That's why I'm imploring the rest of the nation to follow suit, to go on strike and take some RnR. Read a couple legal books and make the decision not to be the sheep,cattle, robot,  or slave and any other clever euphemism you would like to substitute. If you want to get ahead and do big important things than put in the painstaking hours it costs to run in the circles that deal in ideas and influence. Money is little more than a tool or incentive used for a subset or lower class to accomplish the ends of someone's dream or vision for the world it's not the objective. 

At the end of the day my hope is that people start to wise up and begin to call our leaders and people in power to a higher standard, so that real change occurs and not just a shuffling of sorts and renaming of the same old things. 

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