Friday, March 18, 2011


Relationships are tricky things, whether its organizing a ragtag team of young aspiring writers and technologists to create a pirate organization for social change; or the wonderful groups of struggling entrepreneurs you meet along the way. One things for certain, the front line can be as wonderful as it is tragic. You get a birds eye view of the future with some vague hope of capturing something new, something uniquely human; but as you toil on your mission and become increasingly aware of the scarcity of individuals willing or able to push the envelope and think outside the box, life becomes all too redundant. The minutia and mediocrity creeps in all around you threatening to box you in as if fighting the forces at the top weren't enough. The real casualty in it all is the hit to meaningful relationships. For, as one becomes comfortable with such things as money, power, and politics its people we become rusty with. Oddly enough if you ask these fearless pioneers and unsung heroes of society whether they would change their fate or position in life and you might be surprised to hear a resounding NO, because the thought of becoming yet another automaton or non-contributing forgotten piece of history is a far greater loss than security. Its a cause worth dieing for. 

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