Thursday, March 17, 2011


Its been particularly amusing to watch the political jocking for whats shaping up to be an obtrusively impotent 2012 Presidential Run. It's as if Washington has run out of clever BS to spin, seemingly unable to stomach its own rhetoric. Maybe I'm being a bit idealistic but I have some real worries when Donald Trump looks to be the most attractive challenger to Barack Obama. Make no mistake, despite your feelings towards the man Mr. Trump stands as the best chance for a Republican President (for better or for worse). He possesses the right amount of panache and business sense as well as a keen ability to negotiate and debate that rivals all currently in the hunt. 

Add the fact that we as a country have nominated actors for the "lead role" (no pun intended) and you realize we're capable of far worse. 

Personally I try to involve myself as little as possible in political debate, but find myself in the middle all too often. By its very nature and definition poly sci or (politics) means to deceive and to think either party is any different in its intention (their own self interest at the cost of the general public) is to live in some naive fantasy.

That being said: 

As a proponent of Obama for his reputation as an intellectual by both sides of the table and his "investments in the future" I don't feel there is a true rival or need for concern that we're looking at anything other than a second term in office. He has his weaknesses and I question his ability to get things done and create real reform but considering the alternatives its a no brainer, he's the man for the job.

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