Friday, March 18, 2011


NPR is embroiled in yet another scandal as pressure from conservatives mounts to de-fund the public radio broadcaster. NPR president and CEO Vivian Schiller resigned this morning as a fallout of conservative activist James O'Keefe posting a hidden-camera video of senior NPR executive Tom Schiller (no relation) bashing the tea party movement as "racist" and "xenophobic" and saying that NPR would be better off without federal funding. (Tom Schiller resigned after his statements were made public. On Wednesday, he also pulled out of what was to be his next job, at the nonprofit Aspen Institute, citing the controversy.)

The problem I have with this, is that Tom Schiller makes valid arguments that he's entitled to and if we reach a point where we can't accurately express our true feelings and opinions (or at the very least entertain our thoughts and ideas) in any situation or setting, we leave no hope for the truth to weasel its way into an over politically correct system. 

I'm all for investigative journalism, but I think James O'Keefe is missing the point. 

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