Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The pressure to compete in a world economy echoes through the hearts and minds of most Americans. Little is agreed upon, but one thing's for certain we need more education!

If we all agree education (specifically higher education) is the answer to our problems it isn't going to materialize by dumping more government money into a historically broken system while simultaneously raising tuition. I'd question the motives of anyone who believes this is the right direction to head in as they have regretfully chosen to use education as a means to protect their own self interest in uncertain times. If we truly believe education is the answer, we'll stop robbing our youth’s ability to participate in it. Like many other industries in tough times it will be changes to the delivery systems that progress us forward. 

For centuries elitists have used education as a form of manipulation, widening the gap between the haves and have not’s. I think it's safe to say the intellectual minds that have gotten us to this particular junction aren't the ones to get us out, and as things do become more competitive it will take increasing numbers of creative and intelligent ideas to remain relevant not less. 

So what do we do? Well, I'll tell you what we don't do. We don't try to multiply the number of consumers by dumbing down the majority, or increase the measures in which to manipulate them (neuroscience marketing), we don't raise the cost of tuition and invest in systems that refuse to adapt. We don't tell our college educated students their diploma isn't good enough (falsely I might add) to disillusion them. And we certainly don't limit the number of intelligent people, we add to them.

I mean it's no wonder kids don't want to learn there's no incentive. Welcome to the fruits of your lobar elitists, you've unleashed your cold, selfish, egotistical and materialistic outlook on society and it’s done nothing but make a wonderful mess of things. Now is not the time to complain about the bed you've made it's time to live in it.

It's true, everything is the same, and yet, everything has also changed, and in order to meet the needs of a new generation, a new world, we will have to change along with it. As is often the case the answer is a simple one which involves disseminating power and control over to the majority. This doesn't mean allowing new businesses to procreate only to acquire them through acquisitions later on, nor does it mean stealing ideas through quasi social networks, or big government. 

Some will say the status quo is incapable of handling that kind of new found power and responsibility, and you know what, they may be right; so to ease their concerns lets incorporate philosophy and social science as required curriculum in all of our high school education systems. 

Still others will argue we have to protect our children's innocence, to which history has proven by not informing them of the truth we merely set them up for a bigger fall later on. It's our jobs as parents to prepare our children for the world, not the one we envision for them, but the real one.

There is little evidence to suggest that change comes from the top, so if we seek to improve our current situations it's going to take a real leap of faith from everyone at the bottom. We've seen the power it's capable of in recent events around the world and it will require unseen corporation, organization, understanding, and trust, but if we persevere and allow ourselves to dream, and have the courage to follow them to the end there's nothing that can stand in our way. 

With a little bit of luck there might be some hope for real change, but no one’s going to simply allow the rains of power to change hands it’s taken by force.

Educate Yourself Take An Interest In Social Science and Philosophy.

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