Monday, February 21, 2011


I hate writing critiques for two reasons: the risk you run of upsetting the authorities and the off chance the individual becomes more popular by making them forbidden in some way, plus being a downer is just plain unattractive. 

Its hard accounting for all the stupid readers in the world, but I do my best to try. 

That being said lets turn our attention to one of the worst attempts at manufactured success, Justin Beaver. The first red flag should be that Hollywood feels the need to make an hour long infomercial/movie with this rich uninteresting beaver in it. Perhaps this was Hollywood's attempt at good old fashion escapism, but in a time when people are struggling to make ends meet they don't want to see a 16 year old kid gaming the system for all its worth they want grit, scars, and a worrier they can relate to. I don't think any amount of good publicity and maximization of touch points is enough to put the Beev over the edge.

That's the beauty of difficult times it allows for really great art to rise to the surface (or at least it should).

At best Beaver will be a cult sensation for 12 year old girls, but he's missing the authenticity that only life's experiences are capable of producing in order to cross over to an older audience. In short Justin has a lot of work cut out for him to sustain the success he's been graciously given as he approaches puberty. 

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