Monday, January 17, 2011


"Disagree without being disagreeable"

I hear this term so often it makes my ears bleed.

The media's obsession and continued fetishism of the phrase and the Jared Roughner story needs to end.

The political double talk and endless speculation over the thin of thick things is a brilliant attempt to distract us from the country's current concerns, but it's time to refocus our attention on the issues at hand.

I don't think Lobbying by the media to some how prove its influence over people's actions is more important than let say raising awareness to the nations health care problem, or making a difference in the lives of those most affected by the greed of a few. (economic woes)

I would like to think that every single life matters for indeed it does, but lets not turn it into a PR freak show.

To quote Mark Fuhrm, the lead detective on the OJ Simpson case "I knew OJ would be found not guilty, because murder became a business."

Lets not do the same here.

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